Hi, I appreciate your interest in our Booking Guru positions, thanks for your inquiry!
Unfortunately, we have determined that we will not be a good fit.
Are you Curious Why?
The following are frequently observed reasons that many applicants do not move forward in our process. Some might or might not apply to you. This Booking Guru position requires professional written and spoken grammar, including proper spacing, capitalization etc. Also, this position requires attention to detail, ability to solve problems without close supervision, an outgoing personality and a clear voice.
Some of the things we are disappointed to see include:
- Grammar or punctuation errors in the original application. We see obvious errors on 95% of applications. 🙁
- Asking us for our office number rather than searching our website for it. Calling and not thinking to leave YOUR phone number (problem solving).
- Not leaving the phone message with a clear voice and a professionally-friendly tone or not leaving email address on the voice message.
- Sending the email address and convenient times to call via Facebook messenger rather than by phone as plainly requested. (demonstrating a lack of attention to detail and ability to follow processes and procedures)
- Not responding in a timely manner, professional communications must be timely!
- Responding with simple “yes” answers to application questions rather than taking the opportunity to show your personality.
We wish you the best in your future endeavors, and would be happy to assist you in achieving your passions! Please let us know if we can ever provide advice, a suggested reading list, guidance in goal-setting or other personal development or anything else!