We provide long range shooting experiences throughout “the west” at various temporary ranch locations. We are in search of a more permanent home. We hope that you might know someone who would be interested in teaming with us for a mutually beneficial land use arrangement.
- Perhaps you are interested in a long-term land investment. Perhaps we could help find a ranch for you to purchase, then manage the property for you, including building our shooting range infrastructure? When our 20-year term expires, your estate could decide if we would continue usage or if they wanted to sell the ranch and move proceeds to other investment vehicles.
- Perhaps you know a land owner that has space, supports shooting sports, would enjoy knowing they are helping passionate entrepreneurs get a start, and would be interested in signing a long-term use agreement?
Following are more details.
Space. We would like as much space as possible. Our dream would be to be able to shoot from various shooting areas, with some areas having the ability to shoot 360 degrees out to 3 miles in 1 direction. 3 miles is not a deal-breaker and neither is 360 degrees.
Infrastructure. While we would love to build a 5-star luxury lodge, this is not in our budget…yet. To start, we will need to build shooting platforms, have a storage building, a rustic kitchen for our catering service to use and a restroom, perhaps portable. This $1ok to $30k startup expense is a “big deal” at our level. We intend to bootstrap this venture, and it would be a great bonus if the property already had some of our needed infrastructure. As our business grows, our goal within a couple years would be to have better infrastructure.
Financial. For the perfect situation, we could afford to pay $100 to $200 per client per day. Because we are a start-up, we do not know what kind of volume we will have. We would of course like to grow the business to operate 7 days a week May through October, with 2+ people on the range each day, translating to $36k/year. More realistically, we could only have 10 clients next year, meaning $1k. Because we recognize that our land-use does not generate “serious money” and that a $1k potential is not worth getting out of bed for, we would be willing to guarantee and pre-pay $12k/year worth of usage so that the risk is on our side. We could also discuss other ways to generate revenue, manage the land etc.
Land impact. Our use has very little impact on the land. Our total development footprint will be less than an acre. This includes shooting platform areas, the bullet impact areas, and less than 3,000 sq ft of tents, storage, restrooms and kitchen.
Legal. If we are operating on a more permanent location, we will need to check on local land use regulations and comply with them. We will handle insurance coverage for our operation and list you as an additional insured.
Distance from JH. We are based in Jackson Hole and anticipate most of our clients will want to stay in Jackson Hole. We would like the shooting location to be as close to Jackson as possible, with 90 minutes being the furthest feasible distance.
Exit strategy. We recognize your risk and want to prepare a solid exit strategy to ensure that if we fail, you are not harmed.
Appeal to emotion from Shepard. If you do not currently have the land, invested elsewhere, your $5 million could earn you $250k (5%) a year or more, and my above plan will not cash-flow this amount. From an investment standpoint, the real money would be in the increased value of the land with time. I have proven that I am a solid businessperson in the luxury entertainment shooting space. My plan to have the world’s best luxury long range shooting experience is an ambitious one. I am competing against people whose families have money, and the odds are not in my favor.
Frankly, investing in a ranch for my use will happen in large part because you want me to succeed. If you do not know and care about me or share my vision, this might not be your best option. I am offering this idea to you because if I don’t let you know what we need, you won’t have the opportunity to consider.