I frequently hear attacks from politicians against private property rights in regards to firearms ownership. Many pro-gun people are upset with disgraced politicians like Dianne Feinstein, however I grant her the right to have her kindergarten-level opinion. I am not OK with her suggestions to initiate violence against me for owning and using property as I choose. She has however chosen to be a member of the ruling class, and I expect a lack of intellect from politicians.
Where I am more disappointed is when those that one would think are in favor of firearms ownership & training are in fact opposed to it. I am not just a part-time shooting instructor, my wife and I have made a business out of teaching others how to safely use and appreciate firearms. Since our inception in 2010, we have had ups and downs, and I would like to share one of the “downs” with you.
In the winter of 2010, I wanted to also offer basic pistol training in Lander Wyoming, a wonderful community about 3 hours from my hometown of Jackson Hole. I reached out to the Lander Valley Sportsman’s Association in hopes of paying fair market value to use their range for my classes. I received an email saying that they did not allow third party instructors at their range. I wrote back with the following response:
I received the following rude cc-ed response from board member Dr. Dan Thomas Lander Wyoming to my contact person (a very polite & respectful man) Charles:
This response was one of the more discouraging attitudes I have heard from an active member of the shooting community. I can appreciate that perhaps Dr. Dan Thomas Lander Wyoming has signed an “exclusive use” agreement with the LVSA board. If that is in the best interest of the club – I think that is wonderful! I do however think that a polite and helpful response to other firearms trainers IS the industry standard and is best practice.
From this experience I have learned that when others are beginning in the industry, an encouraging word, respectful tone and smile is the best policy. I am very competitive, and I work hard on marketing, secure contracts, business systems and other “hard-core” business aspects. At the same time, there remains within me a soft place for those of like mind that also enjoy helping others learn to shoot.