Basic Pistol Class – Sr. Lead Instructor Zach Shelton
May 6, 2023
9am to 12pm
100 rounds needed (200 rounds preferred) & at least 2 magazines
This class is for semi-auto pistols – NOT revolvers
$150 if using YOUR guns and ammo / $175 if using OUR guns and first 100 rounds of ammo
Must register HERE.
This class is accepted by the state government of Wyoming for a request to be licensed to keep and bear arms in a concealed manner per their Concealed Firearms Permit dictates.
Basic Pistol Class Description
Shooting a pistol can be intimidating, especially to a novice shooter. That being said, we at Jackson Hole Shooting Experience would like to be part of your pistol shooting journey and make it a fun and memorable experience.
Your senior lead instructor Zach Shelton is here to help you through the learning curve, and to teach you the fundamentals of pistol shooting. Topics that will be covered include:
-Safe firearm handling
-Pistol grip
-Shooting Stance
-One eye open vs. both
-Pistol presentation
-Sight alignment
-Trigger control
-Firearm manipulation
-Shooting drills
-Caliber considerations
-Knowing your “why”
And more!
If you are new to pistol shooting, or are experienced and would like a refresher, or just looking to gain more knowledge in the pistol world; this class is for you!
This Basic Pistol Class will be 3 hours in duration. We will be outside 99% of the time so dress appropriate for the weather.
Bring water, sunscreen and any snacks that you want.
To register, fill out the training application HERE.