JH Shooting, LLC Charity Policy
Here at Jackson Hole Shooting, LLC, we love the good will our neighbors in Jackson Hole show toward each-other, specifically the free-market for-profit businesses and affluent part-time residents that account for over 95% of donations of time, money and goods in our valley!
As a free-market business, we receive many requests for donations and we give away over $10,000.00 in cash, goods and services each year! Our coaches are the best in the nation, and also give away many hours of their time providing events without pay. We are asked for WAY more than the $10,000+ that we give, but we are very heavily taxed, local government restricts our ability to grow and we have big expenses, so we also have to take care of ourselves. 🙂
We find that as small business owners, while our income is often less than a police officer, school teacher or nurse, we are asked for MUCH more in donations because we “own a business.” Our Jackson Hole neighbors who live a few doors down might give a $20 donation while we are asked for a donation worth $1,000. We obviously have to manage our giving.
So, with the above background in mind, we have developed a system that will allow our giving to go even further while also having it make sense to our family and business. We will be able to provide more help to more people in this way, and often at a cost of as little as 25% of normal rates for the charity!
Our primary area of interest is cancer research and providing care and comfort to families dealing with cancer. We appreciate charities for scholarships for the “poor kids” to ride horses with the “rich kids” at a stable and similar efforts, however we lean more heavily toward cancer-related issues. We also have ongoing relationships with a number of charities that we intend to continue.
All future charity giving will be handled in this manner effective February 5, 2015:
Solicitor’s Legal Status: We don’t care. 🙂
We look forward to giving to individuals doing fundraisers for their friends, occasionally government-approved 501c3’s and any other groups. It is of course in poor taste to ask our firm for a donation if you or organizers of your event are earning money while we donate. In other words, if you are the assistant director of the Wyoming Division of Child Services and you would like us to provide a shooting experience for at-need youth, it would be very poor form for you to accept your hourly wage while we give of our time without pay. On the other hand, if you are only asking for a 10% discount off our regular pricing and if we love your cause, we can make it work! Sound fair?
Whatever you need! We are here and ready to help. From a 100-round box of ammunition valued at $20 to a $5,000 shooting event that will be filmed and broadcast nationwide, we are happy to help! Just convince us and be creative regarding the below marketing section to create a “win-win” for both of us!
Our interests: Our primary interests are in charities aimed at cancer research, children’s healing, educating youth in logic, reason, free market economics and the peace movement.
Event Blackout Dates: Our busiest time to “make hay” is July and August, so we will rarely be available to provide charity events during those times.
Marketing: One of our largest business expenses is marketing. Many of the individuals and organizations that request charity from us have trusted networks of clients, donors and friends in addition to websites and blogs. We are interested in having you honestly toot our horn as thanks for our discounted shooting services.
For example, if you post a 300-500 word blog article with “do follow” links to our websites, that exposure is of value to us and will allow us to donate much more. If you offer to highlight us in your quarterly newsletter to 30,000 of your followers, that is of great value to us. (We absolutely will NOT make you say that we are great if we are in fact horrible, and we are excited to overwhelm you with our incredible service to earn wonderfully positive words from you! 🙂 ) The great thing about this type of digital marketing is that is does not cost you any money and it allows us to donate much more! On the other hand, 95% of the giving we have done has given us warm and fuzzy feelings, however the material value of the tiny mentions has not been of business value.
Minimum benefit to organization requesting donation: We have seen way too many charity events in which a thing valued $500 is essentially given away for nothing. That is not acceptable to us. Typically, we require that your minimum bid/benefit is at least half of our MSRP. No more $900 shooting experiences that bring in $5. Nope.
How to get a YES! We believe in voluntarily exchanging value for value. If you make a request in which we can cover our costs, feel great about giving to your cause and receive some valuable marketing; we are much more likely to say YES!
Process: Please fill out all fields in the Donations form below.
Donation Request
We will review your donations request and will prepare a proposal for you within 48 business hours October through April, and within 96 hours May through September.