In early September 2017 Jackson Hole Shooting Experience owners Shepard Humphries and Lynn Sherwood set new personal records in 2000 Yard Long Range Shooting in Wyoming on their 14 year anniversary. They both hit a target at 2,040 yards!
Shepard’s contemporary primary interest in firearms is long range precision rifle shooting and his previous record had been 1,800 yards. This was accomplished with a Ruger Precision Rifle chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor and his second longest hit had been at 1 mile with a 300 Winchester magnum Remington Sendero rifle in Montana. (See below picture)
The first week of September 2017, Shepard set a new personal record in the high desert of Western Wyoming at 2,040 yards. He was shooting a 7mm Remington Magnum at a steel target that was 24 inches wide and 20 inches high.
A previous attempt a few days earlier failed. The wind that day was gusting between 5MPH and 15MPH, blowing the bullet over 18 feet at times. Shepard had his scope elevation adjusted to the top and was having to hold at 24 MOA over on his Vortex Viper XLR scope.
On the day of Shepard’s first success, the wind was only gusting to less than 10MPH, which made things much easier. Also, Andy Ward had mounted a 30 MOA rail on the rifle with some additional shims, meaning Shepard could use the center of the crosshair!
A few days later Shepard returned to the Wyoming high desert with his wife and business partner Lynn Sherwood. The couple celebrated their 14 year anniversary by riding ATVs and shooting at long range targets. Lynn, who only began shooting about seven years ago, use the skills she learned from long range shooting in Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona to also get hits at 2,040 yards!
The 195g Berger bullet they used is dropping almost 100 ft at that distance, in other words if they had been shooting at a target on a sidewalk they would have had to point the barrel towards the 10th floor of a building!
After spending the night at the incredible Lakeside Lodge at Freemont Lake in Pinedale and enjoying the best Thai red curry EVER, Shepard and Lynn return the following day with some friends and previous clients of Nomad Rifleman training experiences. Shepard was able to again hit the 2040 yd target on his 2nd shot, and Lynn on her 5th shot. Their combined group size was 7 inches.
Using his highly developed mathematical skills learned from his education in the back Hills of Tennessee in small private Mennonite schools like the Gunther’s (As a child, Shepard fed cane into the horse powered press pictured in the opening scene) and the Monterey Mennonite School, Shepard determined that a 1 and 1/4 Mile Target would be 2,200 yd away. That is his next goal!
We will keep you updated when he reaches it! In the meantime, would YOU like to try YOUR hand at 2,000 Yard Long Range Shooting in Wyoming? Learn more about our Nomad Rifleman courses.
The rifle is a Remington 700, which our firm purchased as an old hunting rifle. With an upgraded stock, a new barrel and accurizing by Chuck at Mac’s Gun Works, a Thunderbeast can and an F-Class bipod, this rifle is a pleasure to shoot.
The loads were worked up by Wyoming long range shooter Don Baldwin, and F-Class legend Mark Frisbee fine tuned the recipe and loaded up 500 rounds for us. The best brass was from Black Hills, but the ones we used for the 2,040 hits were range brass Winchesters, of course weighed and sorted by meticulous Mark.
The scope was a Vortex Viper 6-24 described by world class Firearms Trainer Scott Austin HERE.