April 17, 2016 in Jackson Hole Wyoming
From your instructor, NRA Training Counselor Ken Willis:
The NRA Defensive Pistol class is nothing like any of the other NRA pistol classes. For one thing, there will be no written quiz. This class is more of a mentoring class with lots of hands-on training, drills and lots of shooting. We will have a maximum of 10 students in the class as opposed to 16 – 20 in some of the other classes I teach in Colorado and Wyoming.
This is the most advanced pistol class in the citizen/non law enforcement NRA curriculum.
It will be important that you have all of your equipment and that you get familiar with it and practice with it as much as possible prior to class. Make sure your pistol is UNLOADED for any gun handling practice and there is no live ammo in the same room.
Here are the NRA Defensive Pistol course objectives: As a result of participation in this course, you should be able to explain and demonstrate the following:
· The importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and lawfully for personal protection
· How the NRA Rules for Safe Gun handling are applied to concealed carry
· Basic principles of concealment
· Presenting a pistol and re-holstering
· Mental awareness
· Mental preparation to develop a defensive mindset for carrying and using a pistol for personal protection
· Techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations
· Explain the psychological and physiological changes that may occur during a violent attack
· Flash sight picture, point shooting and instinctive shooting
· Reloading under stress
· Clearing common stoppages – immediate action drills
· Present a pistol from concealment and re-holster
· Cover and concealment, shooting from behind cover
· Present a pistol from concealment and shoot targets at varying distances
· Moving off the line of attack and shoot
· Qualify for the NRA Defensive Pistol Certificate
· Pocket Pistols, their use, advantages and disadvantages
This class allows the instructor to add additional drills to the above as appropriate.
Don’t be intimidated by any of this. You will know all of the above by the time the class is over, that’s my job, as your instructor.
Prerequisite for this NRA Defensive Pistol class is NRA Basic Pistol or equivalent! All students must be able to lawfully possess a firearm under state and federal law. If you have not yet attended an NRA Basic Pistol class , please check the JH Shooting schedule HERE to find a class. The “Wyoming Concealed Carry Class” offered by Jackson Hole Shooting Experience is also an acceptable prerequisite as are Front Sight’s 2+ day pistol classes.
Required equipment for NRA Defensive Pistol:
· A pistol that you are familiar with and comfortable with. Preferred calibers: 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 acp. You especially need to be able to load and unload it comfortably, efficiently and quickly, including being able to lock back the slide. Semi-auto is preferred. You can theoretically take this class using a revolver, but semi-autos are much preferred for self defense. One student using a revolver and the rest with semi-autos will slow down the class, so please come to the class with a semi-auto. A different skill set is required for revolvers. I’d like to offer a revolver only class some time. Students cannot share pistols; you must have your own.
· At least two additional magazines (for total of three).
· A magazine pouch that will hold two magazines, either paddle-style or belt pouch.
· A Kydex-type paddle or belt hip holster (strong side hip holster) with no supplemental retention devices (no snaps, thumb breaks, etc.)
· 300 rounds of factory ammunition. Less expensive target rounds are recommended, rather than personal protection ammo. No reloads and no magnum, +P or +P+ loads.
· 4 or 5 snap caps or dummy rounds of the appropriate caliber for your handgun
· Eye protection. Prescription glasses with large lenses are acceptable. Professional safety glasses are better.
· A ball cap with brim in front to protect your face and eyes from hot ejected brass
· Hearing protection. We strongly recommend electronic headsets with microphones. This way you can hear what we are saying without removing your headsets. We strongly discourage the use of foam plugs as they will significantly delay the class, waiting for you to insert them correctly and waiting for them to expand inside your ear before we can shoot.
· A concealment garment such as a vest or light weight jacket that effectively conceals your handgun. Shirts under your jacket or vest must be kept tucked-in for safety reasons.
· A wide and stiff belt to provide rigid support for your holster and magazine/loader pouches
· Cargo pants or tactical duty pants are strongly recommended. The extra pockets are invaluable for empty mags and extra rounds for reloading your mags and loaders while still on the line.
· Wear sport shoes or light weight hiking boots that fit well and allow you to maneuver safely and not roll an ankle. You will be moving forward and backwards, kneeling and crouching with a loaded pistol.
· Bring a pen or pencil for taking notes. We will provide your book and student packet. No advanced study is needed.
If you have any questions or concerns about the equipment listed for this NRA Defensive Pistol class, please contact us.
-Ken Willis