My prediction is that AR-15’s will not be easy to purchase sometime by 2022. It could happen in 2016, 2017 or maybe later, but I doubt that an average person, even in a state like Wyoming, will be able to walk into a gun store and purchase an AR-15 in 2022 without jumping through monumental hoops. I further predict that the popular 30 round magazines will be difficult to acquire.
Background: For thousands of years, those that have sought to rule others have removed their subject’s ability to own items that could be used as weapons against the ruling class. This is why peasants in east Asia turned to using farm implements as weapons, and this tradition has carried over in martial arts today. In 18 and 19th century America, many slave owners did not allow their slaves to own guns. Observe the small arms that have been taken away from Europeans by their ruling class, and quite recently Australia.
Today, in the United States, laws are becoming more restrictive. The “Gun Control” people, most of whom are useful idiots with good intentions, are using many proven tricks and are experimenting with others. California, New York and Chicago are great examples of what will happen in the rest of the country. Without being subjective, I think most will agree that whether trump or Clinton gets into office, a “reason will arise” for AR’s and other related items to be controlled more tightly. Clinton will do it “for the children” and “Trump would have done it, “for public safety.” Same same, the result is that the ruling class and their agents will have laws helping them have the firepower. This is the goal of the US president’s boss, the United Nations. Of course they will say they want this to “help the little orphan children in Africa.”
Rather than argue about whether or not the US should be obedient to the UN, or whether or not the ruling class should have more power, my prediction remains the same. The ruling class will use violence/threat of violence to hinder their subjects from getting/trading effective guns. In the past, most gun laws only affect future sales. Colorado’s recent legislation toward victim disarmament relating to magazine grandfathered in “high capacity” magazines that people already owned. I imagine the ruling class will wise up and remove this grandfathering aspect at some time, but for now…
Investment opportunity. Humans, like other critters, have a strong drive to survive. Clearly, there will be great civil strife in the US sometime in the upcoming years due to the strenuous efforts by people and organizations like Trump, Black Lives Matter, NRA, Clinton etc. While conspiracy buffs and libertarian types have predicted this for years, more and more mainstream middle and upper-class folks are realizing the likelihood. I recently overheard an affluent left-leaning shooting instruction client ask me if they should buy a gun. “All of our friends have them, maybe we should as well” she said in a hushed voice. Rough times have always been predicted and have always happened throughout human history, and our “soft” generation is in for a rude awakening when they realize that they can not simply step inside their air conditioned condo to avoid the violence outside. Their survival instincts will then prompt them to seek out weapons with which to protect themselves and their family.
OK, let’s assume that the last paragraph is doomsday prepper conspiracy-buff stuff and is wrong. 😉 Let’s assume that all goes smoothly for the next 6 years, with government growing stronger in what appears to be a kind and gentle way. Do you think that”gun control” type laws and rules will still happen? If you think the US and state governments exist to help their subjects, this article is a waste of your time. If you agree with my predictions of government’s actions, you just might stand to make some money.
When AR-15’s are made difficult to buy (they will not be outlawed) good folks will still want them. Good folks will still want ammunition, magazines and scope rings/mounts. I predict that a basic AR-15 worth $750 in September 2016 will be worth $1,500 or more by 2022. I predict that ammunition will more than double as will high capacity magazines and tools to remove gun control devices that have been legislated. The handyman that can convert a “California legal” AR to a real AR and has the parts and tools to do so will be in great demand. I hope that nobody does this, or violates any other law, I am just saying that an entrepreneur that does not follow the ruling class mandates will have opportunities.
If I am wrong, and if Clinton decides to ignore the CFR, the UN and the direction ruling classes have headed for millenniums, you might not double your money. If she encourages all families to own a couple AR’s to better protect themselves so that she can reduce taxes and have fewer cops on the street, folks will still want effective protective tools. You probably won’t lose any money and guns, ammo and gear will definitely perform better as investments than US Federal Reserve notes.
Summary on how to make money on gun control laws.
- Buy low and mid quality AR-15’s.
- Buy 30 round magazines, preferable a high quality and popular brand like Magpul.
- Buy ammunition by the case, PMC and many other brands are under 50 cents per round right now.
Shepard does not have a government licenses permitting speech to others about investments, so please do not take this as financial advice.