Date: 1 Jan, 2017 Time: 1200 hours (Be at the SEIPS range at 1130 hours) (Directions at bottom of page)
Weapons will be those U.S. available in the Koran War. IE. M-1 Garand, M-1 carbine, 1903, 1917. Pistol will be a 1911 (A-1) as close to US issue as possible. 45 ammunition should be 230 grain factory ball.
AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS: 7 rounds 45, 16 rounds 30-06 or 308. You may shoot Chinese/North Korean weapons such as SKS, Nagant.
Anything normally available to a GI in the Korean War. If you want to shoot from sand bags, they must be filled with sand and may not be store bought. Any and all equipment MUST be carried. A pack works well.
Shooter will start from staging area 80 or more yards from the firing point. All equipment, ammo, weapons MUST be carried. You may use an issue sling to fire but it must be at carried at sling arms or in the parade position (attached to weapon at both sling swivels) It cannot be attached to the shooters arm until shooter is in position.
A total of 240 seconds are allowed for the shooter to move the 80+ yards to the firing point, load, fire 16 rifle and 7 pistol rounds. The 45 may be loaded with a magazine and 7 rounds, chamber empty. The rifle must be carried unloaded to the firing point and may be loaded only after assuming the firing position you choose I.E. kneeling, prone.
Upon assuming your firing position, the shooter will fire on the E silhouettes (330 and 200 yards) and the 100yard F silhouette with the rifle and the 25 yard F silhouette with the pistol. Order of fire is shooters choice.
Targets will be an E silhouette at 300 yards and 200 yards, an F silhouette at 100 yards and 25 yards. Hits on the 25 yard (pistol) and 100 yard F silhouette will count 1 point, hits on the 200 yard E silhouette count 2 points, hits on the 300 yd E silhouette count 3 points.
Any rifle target that has 5 hits or more will receive a bonus as follows: 5 hits on the 100 yard target, an additional 10 points, 5 or more hits on the 200 an additional 15 points, 5 or more hits on the 300 an additional 20 points. The 25 yd pistol target must have 7 hits to receive an additional 10 point bonus. Any target that has no hits gets a 5 point failure to neutralize penalty match fee $10.00
For more information, contact Elden.