Why is it important that we End Gun Violence?
Our Children Are Worth It!
“End Gun Violence” is a political term coined by propagandists, but used by a well-intentioned but naive movement of people that share every moral person’s goal to save innocent lives. This political term has been developed in true Edward Bernays & Saul Alinsky form. “Gun Control” Enthusiasts have a broad brush with which they apply the label of “gun violence.” For example, imagine a woman is attacked by a gun wielding rapist in an alley, and while struggling with the man the gun discharges and kills the attacking rapist. This woman would be said to have used “gun violence.” Not all violence is bad.
Fortunately, unlike the Utopian vision that Hitler, Stalin and Mao shared, and that the CFR & UN promote, society is, in truth made up of individuals that have rights to their lives and their property. This fundamental truth is essential when contemplating legislation. There are many physical items, ideas and preferences that some people dislike and think will lead to bad outcomes.
Christianity, Islam and Judaism are viewed by most humans as being violent religions. Some argue that a society ought to prevent individuals from having Bibles and attending church services. Free gun ownership and use is viewed by some as being responsible for preventable deaths and they argue that a society ought to prevent individuals from having guns or carrying them freely. Some argue that women should wear long modest dresses so that they will not be raped.
These questions raise the important question, “Should some individuals use force against other individuals to prevent them from free ownership & use of Bibles, form-fitting clothing and guns?” What about restricting use of rope in the naive hope of ending suicides? As a passionate peace activist, I believe the answer is simple for peaceful individuals holding the principle of the non aggression principal. We ought not sacrifice liberty for security, especially when it means advocating the force of government to take away or restrict the ownership and/or use of property, be that property a Bible, a gun, a little black dress or a wedding ring for a spouse of the same gender.

What can you do to end gun violence?
Think seriously about your lifestyle and your environment. Contemplate seriously whether or not owning and carrying a gun is right for you. We are happy to consult with you at no cost, and while we are “gun people” we frequently help our clients through a contemplative process in which they conclude that gun ownership is not right for them. If you decide that gun ownership IS right for you, we applaud your thoughtful decision to help protect your family from at armed attack by using good gun violence.
BUY the tools to protect yourself.
TRAIN in the proper and safe use, practicing often.
CARRY your gun in a safe manner that allows for its defensive use.
End Gun Violence that is initiated against you with the most effective tools available!