Is a BB Gun For Self Defense an adequate weapon?
There is no question that if the question was only, “What pistol caliber has the best terminal ballistics for stopping a 300 pound drugged up angry man wearing a thick coat,” the correct answer would probably be something even larger than Clint Eastwood’s .44 Magnum, perhaps a .50 caliber of some sort. Toward the bottom of the list would fall .22 calibers and pellet guns. This answer is not correct however, for the original question.
Can a BB gun be used for protection? Yes, most things “can” be used for protection.
“A .45ACP beats a .22 and a .22 beats a sharp stick, which beats a Q-Tip.” -Shepard Humphries
The advice commonly given to a person asking about a firearm for personal protection remains wise, “Use the largest caliber that you can comfortably shoot well.” For some people, this might be a .22 caliber or even a BB-gun. That is OK, we all have different abilities at different times in our life. Consider Jackie Chan armed with a butter knife versus Aunt Bea with a BB-gun. Jackie was much more capable than Aunt Bea, however she would be smart to grab any weapon on hand if she was attacked. In the Tessa Rose novel Escape From Enlightenment, what did Marley have access to? The point is to use whatever tool you have!
Regardless of our age, physical ability or armament available, remember that our mental condition is the most important factor. So, BB Gun For Self Defense? Use what you have! We must keep our will to win!