I am frequently asked, “What is the Best 22 Caliber Handgun?” The good news is that the answer is pretty short and sweet, as not many are very good. Long story short, the Browning Buckmark and the Ruger Mark series are probably at the top of the heap. I have had personal experience with 5 […]
Best 1911 Pistol
Tips For Selecting the Best Model 1911 Tips For Selecting the Best Model 1911 Selecting the Best 1911 Pistol by Shepard Humphries – 2012 Jackson Hole 1911 model pistols are currently my favorite type of pistol for target shooting! I have owned several brands and have learned from others’ experiences about many brands and models. […]
What Pistol Should I Buy?
I am frequently asked this question, “What Pistol Should I Buy?” The first thing to decide is what your primary and secondary uses will be. If your primary intention is to defend yourself against grizzly bears, have fun target shooting, or protect yourself against humans, you will make very different purchasing decisions. Let’s briefly consider […]
250 Trip Advisor Reviews – TripAdvisor Jackson Hole Wy
TripAdvisor Jackson Hole WY On behalf of our entire team of coaches, booking gurus, vendors and other partners and friends, we would like to extend a HUGE thanks to our 250th reviewer, “mmc240” and the other 249 clients that have taken the time to share their thoughts about their shooting experience in Jackson Hole with […]
Vortex Viper XLR 6-24 Review by Scott Austin
There are few items in the hunting and shooting community that garner almost reverential allegiance like optics. People will hold to one particular brand with the passion of your most zealous sports enthusiast. As you peruse your typical “gun-crank” website and scroll through the scope reviews, practicality and logic seem to give way to zealots […]